If you’re looking to complete a daily gulper challenge or if you’re in the mood to just kill some gulpers in Fallout 76 then consider these following locations:
- Gulper Event: Moonshine Jamboree
- Gulper Location: Dolly Sods Campground
- Gulper Location: Gulper Lagoon
- Gulper Location: Treehouse Village
- Gulper Location: Big Maw
- Gulper Location: Dabney Homestead
- Gulper Location: Creekside Sundew Grove
- Gulper Location: Beckwith Farm
- Gulper Location: Pylon V-13
Gulpers can be found throughout the Mire and the Cranberry Bog in the spots mentioned above. Below are a few videos that show you where the gulpers spawn:
- Fallout 76: Kill Gulper Location – Video
- Fallout 76: GULPER Farming Guide – Video
- Fallout 76: Where to find Gulpers, FogCrawlers, Bloatflies, BloodBugs in Cranberry Bog – Video
- Fallout 76: Take a Picture of a Gulper – Video

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