Stingwings are small, flying creatures that can be found in a variety of locations in Fallout 76. They are most common in the Forest, Toxic Valley, and Savage Divide regions. Some of the best places to find stingwings include:
- Big B’s Rest Stop: This location in the Forest is home to a number of stingwings that can be found around the pond.
- Treetops: This location in the Forest is another good spot to find stingwings. They can be found flying around the trees and near the pond.
- Whitespring Resort: The Whitespring Resort is a popular tourist destination, but it’s also home to a number of stingwings that can be found in the surrounding area.
- Bleeding Kate’s Grindhouse: This location in the Savage Divide is home to a number of stingwings that can be found in the building and around the surrounding area.
- Beckwith Farm: This location in the Forest is home to a number of stingwings that can be found in the barn and around the farmyard.
- Old Mold Quarry: This location in the Savage Divide is home to a number of stingwings that can be found in the quarry and around the surrounding area.
In addition to these locations, stingwings can also be found in a variety of other areas throughout Appalachia. If you’re looking for stingwings, be sure to keep an eye out for them in forests, meadows, and near bodies of water.
Here are some tips for finding stingwings in Fallout 76:
- Use a silenced weapon: Stingwings are small and can be easily killed with a silenced weapon. This will help you avoid alerting other creatures in the area.
- Use a flare gun: Flare guns can be used to attract stingwings to your location. This can be a helpful way to farm stingwings for their venom.
- Be patient: Stingwings can be skittish, so it may take some time to find them. Just be patient and keep your eyes peeled, and you’ll eventually spot a swarm of stingwings flying in the distance.

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