Do you need screws in Fallout 76? There are locations and items to scrap that will allow you to collect as many screws as you need to achieve what you’re trying to do in Fallout 76.
Here are items to scrap for screws:
- Accordion
- Acoustic guitar
- Antique globe
- Banjo
- Carlisle typewriter
- Clipboard
- Clean globe
- Clean pepper mill
- Desk fan
- Flute
- Giddyup Buttercup
- Giddyup Buttercup body
- Globe
- Handcuffs
- Harmonica
- Hot plate
- Hubcap
- Loose screws
- Mini nuke stabilizer fins
- New toy car
- New toy truck
- Office desk fan
- Pepper mill
- Portable fuel tank
- Restored desk fan
- Scrap assaultron head
- Silver locket
- Snare drum
- Souvenir toy car
- Steel guitar
- Tongs
- Toy car
- Toy truck
- Trumpet
- Typewriter
- Violin
- Violin bow
Locations to consider to find these items are that which follow:
- Sugar Grove – (desk fans and antique globes)
- National Radio Astronomy Research Center – (antique globes, desk fans, and typewriters)
- Charleston Capitol Building – (typewriters)

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