Here are some popular places where you can find/farm Mirelurks, Mirelurk Queen & Mirelurk Eggs in Fallout 76:
- Grafton Dam: This location in the Forest is home to a number of mirelurks, including mirelurk queens. You can find mirelurk eggs in the pipes of the dam.
- Ohio River Adventures: This location in the Savage Divide is home to a number of mirelurks, including mirelurk kings. You can find mirelurk eggs in the riverbanks near the location.
- Highland Marsh: This location in the Mire is home to a number of mirelurks, including mirelurk queens. You can find mirelurk eggs in the marshland near the location.
- Tanagra Town: This location in the Mire is home to a number of mirelurks, including mirelurk kings and mirelurk queens. You can find mirelurk eggs in the town ruins.
- Lakeside Cabins: This location in the Forest is home to a number of mirelurks, including mirelurk kings. You can find mirelurk eggs in the cabins and the surrounding area.
Here are some tips for finding/farming Mirelurks & Mirelurk Eggs:
- Use a high-damage weapon: Mirelurks are tough creatures, so you’ll need a weapon that can deal a lot of damage. A good option is a shotgun or a heavy weapon.
- Use VATS: VATS can be helpful for targeting mirelurks’ weak spots, such as their eyes and their claws.
- Be careful of mirelurk queens: Mirelurk queens are the most powerful mirelurks, so be careful when fighting them. They can spit acid and summon other mirelurks to help them.
- Check the pipes: Mirelurk eggs can often be found in pipes, so be sure to check them if you’re looking for eggs.

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