If you’re looking to farm glass in Fallout 76 then you’ll want to consider searching for the items listed below. These items contain glass as well as other components that might be easy to bulk up and sell to a vendor or in your own vending machines.
Some of my personal favorites to gather for easy glass scrap are the Nuka-Cola bottles & Beer bottles. Here is a map that shows all of the beer bottle locations in the Appalachia wasteland.
- Alarm clock
- Beaker
- Beer bottle
- Black drinking glass
- Blackwater Brew bottle
- Blue table lamp
- Bourbon bottle
- Brass miner’s lamp
- Broken lamp
- Brown bottle
- Burgundy bottle
- Chemistry jar
- Clarksburg Brew bottle
- Clean drinking glass
- Cracked glass bowl
- Drinking glass
- Empty milk bottle
- Flask
- Food dehydrator
- Fuse
- Glass barrel red vase
- Glass barrel teal vase
- Glass barrel vase
- Glass bowl
- Glass bud red vase
- Glass bud teal vase
- Glass bud vase
- Glass flared red vase
- Glass flared teal vase
- Glass flared vase
- Glass pitcher
- Glass rounded red vase
- Glass rounded teal vase
- Glass rounded vase
- Glass vaulted red vase
- Glass vaulted teal vase
- Glass vaulted vase
- Glass shards
- Gold-plated glass
- Graduated cylinder
- Handmade glue
- High-powered microscope
- Honey jar
- Jarred Scorched foot
- Jarred Scorched hand
- Jarred Scorched head
- Lab bottle
- Lantern
- Large baby bottle
- Large beaker
- Large glass jar
- Large sealed glass jar
- Light bulb
- Liquor bottle
- Magnifying glass
- Mason jar
- Microscope
- Miner’s lamp
- Mining light
- Moonshine jug
- Mutated Scorched head
- New River red ale bottle
- Nuka-Cola bottle
- Oak Holler Lager bottle
- Old Possum bottle
- Orange drinking glass
- Pickaxe Pilsner bottle
- Pre-War lamp
- Research test tube
- Royal jelly
- Rum bottle
- Sealed mason jar
- Sealed specimen jar
- Shadeless lamp
- Shadeless table lamp
- Shot glass
- Small baby bottle
- Small drinking glass
- Small glass jar
- Small sealed glass jar
- Specimen jar
- Sticky tar
- Souvenir drinking glass
- Tall drinking glass
- Tall flask
- Test tube
- Thin beaker
- Vacuum tube
- Vault-Tec alarm clock
- Vodka bottle
- Wakemaster alarm clock
- Whiskey bottle
- White bottle
- Wine bottle
- Yellow table lamp
Here are a few locations in Fallout 76 that might be an easy place to farm glass and glass components.
- Sons of Dane Compound – (glass jars)
- The Whitespring Golf Club – (tall drinking glass)
- Fraternity Row – (beer bottles)
- Big Al’s Tattoo Parlor – (beer bottles)
- Black Bear Lodge – (beer bottles)
- Tyler County Fairgrounds – (mason jars)
- Lady Janet’s Soft Serve – (beer bottles)
- Wavy Willard’s Water Park – (mason jars)

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