If you’re looking for items or locations to farm cloth in Fallout 76 then consider these items and locations below. Some of my favorite items to collect for cloth are the burnt books apparently there are over 120 burnt books at the farthest house NE of Summersville.
- Bag of chlorine
- Baseball base
- Black napkin
- Box of San Francisco Sunlights
- Broken doll w/o left arm
- Broken doll w/o right arm
- Broken doll w/o right leg
- Bubblegum bear
- Bumblebear
- Burger tray
- Burnt book
- Burnt fashion magazine
- Burnt Grognak comic
- Burnt lifestyle magazine
- Burnt Manta-Man comic
- Burnt Mistress of Mystery comic
- Burnt textbook
- Burnt trade magazine
- Burnt Unstoppables comic
- Candy fan Mr. Fuzzy
- Charleston Herald
- Checker tie Mr. Fuzzy
- Cigar
- Cigar box
- Cigarette
- Cigarette carton
- Comfy pillow
- Comrade Chubs
- Cotton yarn
- Detective Case File
- Dirty old teddy bear
- Dirty pillow
- Dishrag
- Doll
- Doll head
- Doll right arm
- Duct tape
- Emerald tie Mr. Fuzzy
- Feather duster
- Folder
- Gold tie Mr. Fuzzy
- Home plate
- Hot dog tray
- Imported Chinese panda
- Jangles the Moon Monkey
- Jumbo candy fan Mr. Fuzzy
- Jumbo checker tie Mr. Fuzzy
- Jumbo gold tie Mr. Fuzzy
- Jumbo silver tie Mr. Fuzzy
- Late edition newspaper
- Lil’ Ginger Snuggles
- Lit cigar
- Lit cigarette
- Lit stogie
- Mop
- Mr. Fuzzy
- Mysterious fur
- Napkin
- Nuka-Cola cup
- Nuka-Cola cup and straw
- Orange napkin
- Orange tie Mr. Fuzzy
- Oven mitt
- Pack of cigarettes
- Pack of duct tape
- Paintbrush
- Pillow
- Pizza tray
- Pre-War money
- Preserved cigarette pack
- Pristine teddy bear
- Purple tie Mr. Fuzzy
- Quantum bear
- Radbear
- Raw cloth
- Red tie Mr. Fuzzy
- Rolled charleston herald
- Ruby tie Mr. Fuzzy
- Sealed Charleston Herald
- Silver tie Mr. Fuzzy
- Souvenir sloth toy
- Souvenir teddy bear
- Spooky time Mr. Fuzzy
- Stogie
- Stuffed grizzly
- Stuffed polar bear
- Teddy bear
- Teddy Fear
- Toilet paper
- Trifold American flag
- Undamaged American flag
- Undamaged cigarettes
- Unscorched oven mitt
Here are a few locations to consider when searching / farming for raw cloth or any of the items that contain cloth listed above:
- Tyler County Fairgrounds
- Camden Park
- Morgantown (airport event)
- Watoga High School
If you know of any other locations to farm cloth in Fallout 76 then feel free to leave a comment blow to let others know.

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