If you’re looking to find / farm antiseptic components in Fallout 76 then you might want to start searching for these items to scrap.
- Abraxo cleaner
- Abraxo cleaner industrial grade
- Autopsy board game
- Blood sac
- Empty blood sac
- Industrial solvent
- Royal jelly
- Tick blood sac
- Toothpaste
- Turpentine
- Undamaged abraxo cleaner
- Waste antiseptic
Here are a few locations to check out when searching for items that contain antiseptic components:
- Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center (downstairs)
- The Whitespring Resort (Employees Only building)
- Abbie’s Bunker (inside)
- Garrahan Estate (kitchen area)
- Ticks
- Sentry bots
- Fog Crawlers
Here’s a couple of videos that might help you in your journey for antiseptic in Fallout 76:
- How to farm ticks in Fallout 76 – Video
- “An Organic Solution” Find Antiseptic and Strangler Bloom Fallout 76 – Video

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