Do you need to farm mass amounts of acid or are you just looking to grab some sow when you need it? Either way the items and locations mentioned below will help you on your acid journey. In addition to all the items shown you can find an acid resource deposit to collect it from with an acid extractor.
- Abraxo cleaner
- Abraxo cleaner industrial grade
- Anti freeze bottle
- Bag of chlorine
- Bag of dogwood fertilizer
- Bag of fertilizer
- Beeswax
- Bloatfly gland
- Bloodbug proboscis
- Cave Crickets
- Coolant
- Cracked deathclaw egg
- Firefly abdomen
- Floater gnasher pus sac
- Grafton monsters
- HalluciGen gas canister
- Hive paper
- Honey beast wing
- Ichor sac
- Industrial cleaner
- Makeshift battery
- Snallygaster
- Stingwing barb
- Suprathaw antifreeze
- Torn mothman wing
- Undamaged abraxo cleaner
- Waste acid
- Wendigo teeth
- Yao Guai
Here are a few locations to visit to start farming acid in Fallout 76. If you’re planning on selling the acid for caps remember that waste acid cannot be sold to vendors until it is bulked.
- Silva Homestead – (bag of chlorine)
- Darling Sister’s Lab – (HalluciGen gas canister)
- The Whitespring Resort – (Abraxo cleaner industrial grade)
- WV Lumber Co. – (coolant)
- Blackwater Mine – (coolant)
- Camp McClintock – (HalluciGen gas canister)
- Beckley – (HalluciGen gas canister)
- Lady Janet’s Soft Serve – (coolant)
- Pylon V-13 – (Snallygaster)
- Flooded Trainyard – (Snallygaster)
- Toxic Larry’s Meat n’ Go – (Snallygaster)
- Phillipi Battlefield Cemetary – (Yao Guai)

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Thanks for the info! I used this to set up my camp near a location that I knew would have a decent amount of acid.