If you’re looking for brooms to finish a daily challenge, weekly challenge or an event (such as Spring Cleaning Event) then you’ll want to consider checking out these locations to find brooms:
- The Whitespring: The Mr. Handy robots that roam the halls keeping things clean have brooms… kill them and take their brooms.
- Morgantown High School: Look in the janitor’s closet or by the cleaning supplies.
- Morgantown: Check residential areas and apartments for brooms. You might also find them in the Super Duper Mart or other stores.
- Bolton Greens: Check the kitchen and near the front desk.
- Mountainside Bed and Breakfast: This location has a confirmed broom spawn upstairs.
- Camp McClintock: Check the barracks and surrounding areas for brooms.
Here are a few videos that provides brooms locations in Fallout76:
- NEW Limited Time Fallout 76 Spring Cleaning Challenge – Video
- Spring Cleaning Event Brooms – Video
- Fallout 76: Soap, Abraxo and brooms – Video

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