Nuka-World on Tour is located in the Ash Heap region of Appalachia. It is specifically located west of Lake Reynolds, near the Ash Heap Trainyard.
To get to Nuka-World on Tour, you can either fast travel to the Ash Heap Trainyard or follow the road west from Lewisburg. Once you reach the carnival, you’ll be able to see the iconic Nuka-Cola sign in the distance.
Once you enter the carnival, you’ll find a number of attractions, including:
- A roller coaster: This is a classic roller coaster that’s sure to get your heart racing.
- A tunnel of love: This is a dark and spooky tunnel that’s full of surprises.
- A game show: This is a game show where you can win prizes, including rare items.
- A trading post: This is where you can buy and sell items, including Nuka-Cola merchandise.
- A variety of food and drink vendors: This is where you can buy food and drinks, including Nuka-Cola products.
There are also a number of Public Events that take place at Nuka-World on Tour, such as:
- Nuka-Cola Challenge: This event is a race against time to collect Nuka-Cola bottles.
- Nuka-Cola Quantum Hunt: This event is a scavenger hunt to find Nuka-Cola Quantum bottles.
- Ultracite Titan: This event is a battle against a giant Ultracite Titan.
The carnival is open to all players, regardless of their level or progress in the game. You can explore the attractions, play the games, and earn rewards.

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