A Scrip in Fallout 76 is a type of currency that can be used to purchase legendary items from the Purveyor Murmrgh. It refers to a currency system that allows players to exchange legendary weapons and armor they no longer need for a currency called “Legendary Scrip.” This system was introduced to help players manage their inventory and get rid of unwanted legendary items.
Here’s how it generally works:
- Legendary Items: In Fallout 76, enemies and events can drop legendary weapons and armor, which have special effects and are generally more powerful than standard gear. Players often accumulate a large number of these legendary items over time.
- Purveyor Murmrgh: The Purveyor is an NPC vendor in the game who operates from the Berkeley Springs Station in the Savage Divide region. She only accepts Legendary Scrip as currency for her unique wares.
- Exchanging Items for Scrip: To obtain Legendary Scrip, players must visit any Train Station in the game and use a Legendary Exchange Machine. Here, they can “scrap” their unwanted legendary items, which breaks them down into Legendary Scrip. The number of Scrip received depends on the star rating of the item (1 to 3 stars).
- Using Scrip at the Purveyor: Once you’ve accumulated enough Scrip, you can visit the Purveyor and use the Scrip to purchase random legendary weapons, armor, and other items. The selection is random, but players have the option to choose the type of item they want (ranged weapon, melee weapon, armor) and the number of stars it should have.
The Legendary Scrip system provides players with a way to improve their gear by potentially obtaining more powerful legendary items, encouraging them to explore and engage in various activities throughout the game to find legendary gear to trade for Scrip.

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