So you’ve seen a bunch of new plans come across the screen while playing in or around the Nuka World on Tour events. Well below is a list of plans and recipes you’ll be able to learn:
Sesmic Activity Plans
Weapon: Molerat Bat or Grand Finale
Plan: Desktop Nuka Launcher
Plan: Large ultracite shard
Plan: Nuka Launcher model
Plan: Nuka Launcher ornament
Plan: Nuka Launcher posters
Plan: Nuka Launcher snow globe
Plan: Titan plushie
Plan: Ultracite Titan backpack flair
Spin The Wheel Plans
Weapon: Whacker Smacker
Plan: Bottle Plush
Plan: Cappy Plush
Plan: Circus Bench
Plan: Circus Cube
Plan: Circus See Saw
Plan: Circus Stairs
Plan: Circus Stilts
Plan: Circus Walking Globe
Plan: Hula Hoop
Plan: Nuka-Spool
Plan: Spin the Wheel Ornament
Plan: Spin the Wheel Poster
Plan: Spin the Wheel Snowglobe
Most Wanted Plans
Weapon: Gunther’s Big Iron or Western Spirit
Plan: Cappy & Bottle Cowboy Cutouts
Plan: Deputy’s Hat
Plan: Floor Safe
Plan: Most Wanted Snowglobe
Plan: Nuka World Cowboy Duster
Plan: Nuka World Cowboy Hat
Plan: Outhouse
Plan: Poker Set
Plan: Sheriff’s Hat
Plan: Tombstones
Plan: Townsfolk Cutouts
Plan: Getaway Wagon
Plan: Wall Safe
Plan: Wanted Poster
Plan: Western Mural
Plan: Wild West Show Entrance Sign
Plan: Wild West Show Posters
Tunnel Of Love Plans
Weapon: Burning Love or Love Tap
Plan: Cupid Cappy Signs
Plan: Tunnel of Love Poster
Plan: Tunnel of Love Snowglobe
Recipe: Brahmin Burgers
Recipe: Caramel Mutfruit
Recipe: Carnival Pie
Recipe: Gulper Stuffed Foot
Recipe: Nuka-Dog
Recipe: Fried Radroach On A Stick
Recipe: Radscorpion Kebab
Recipe: Fried Scorpion On A Stick
Recipe: Yao Guai Pastry
World Tour Random Plans you’ll get these from any of the four events
Plan: Bottle and Cappy Ballon Statue
Plan: Bottle and Cappy Hoop Jump Statue
Plan: Bottle and Cappy Painting Statue
Plan: Bottle and Cappy Walking Globe Statue
Plan: Bottle Backpack Flair*
Plan: Bottle Bot
Plan: Cappy Backpack Flair*
Plan: Cappy Clapper
Plan: Cappy Smasher Super Sledge Paint
Plan: Nuka Cola Bottle Kiosk
Plan: Nuka-Cade Poster
Plan: Nuka-Cola Ad Barrier
Plan: Nuka-Cola Balloons
Plan: Nuka-Cola Crate Stalls