So you have 10, 20, 30 or 40 extra Embers you’re trying to get rid of over on Mixer. Well below is a command that will allow you to get rid of the extra Embers you have.
- /ember x1 provides 10 Embers
- /ember x2 provides 20 Embers
- /ember x3 provides 30 Embers
- /ember x4 provides 40 Embers
Here is how the chat sections show look like in-order for the Ember command to work.
Now from what I understand is that the Ember Commands may only work on Partnered Mixer profiles. Such as some of the following;
Or any of your favorites that you tend to follow.

How long is the Mixer Ember Payout Wait Period?
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How to get Free Mixer Embers the Easy Way!
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How to get rid of Extra Embers on Mixer
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