Are you looking to increase the carry weight in Fallout 76? Aside from searching for a backpack plan or doing the tadpole quests then you’ll want to consider doing the following:
You’ll want to eat, read, use or take the following to increase carry weight:
- Beer +1 strength
- Blackwater Brew +1 strength
- Bobblehead Strength +2 strength
- Bourbon +1 strength
- Buffout +2 strength
- Bufftats +3 strength
- Chally’s Milk +1 strength
- Cramburger +20 carry weight
- Cranberry Moonshine +1 strength
- Deathclaw Steak +2 strength
- Deathclaw Wellington +3 strength
- Fried Radtoad Legs +20 carry weight
- Grilled Radstag +20 carry weight
- Grilled Radtoad +20 carry weight
- Grognak & the Ruby Ruins +1 strength
- Grognak the Barbarian 9 +10 carry weight
- Mole Rat Chunks +1 strength
- Mountain Honey +1 strength
- Mystery Meat Pie +20 carry weight
- New River Red Ale +1 strength
- Nuka-Cola Dark +1 strength
- Oak Holler Lager +1 strength
- Old Possum +1 strength
- Pepperoni Roll +30 carry weight
- Pickaxe Pilsner +1 strength
- Psychobuff +3 strength
- Rad Ant Lager +50 carry weight then -50 carry weight
- Ribeye Steak +20 carry weight
- Roasted Ant +10 carry weight
- Rodgers’ Reserve Beer +2 strength
- Rum +1 strength
- Scouts’ Life 2 +10 carry weight
- Simple Fern Flower Tea +1 strength
- Smoked Mirelurk Fillets +30 carry weight
- Steeped Fern Flower Tea +2 strength
- Stingwing Filet +2 strength
- Vodka +1 strength
- Whiskey +2 strength
- Wine +1 strength
- Yao guai pastry +30 strength
- X-Cell +2 strength
In addition to the food and items above you’ll want to consider taking a Marsupial serum to increase carry weight by +20 while additionally providing improved jump height. Its negative effect reduces the player character’s Intelligence by 4.

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