Looking to make new friends on Xbox to play Fallout 76 with? Then consider trying the “Looking for Group” option which allows you to create friend request style posts. It’s as if you’re creating a “players wanted” ad for people in the Xbox community to browse and respond to. It’s a great way to meet players with similar goals and interests—and you can recruit up to 15 people.
To create a Looking for Group post:
- Press the Xbox button to open the guide, select People, and then select Looking for Group.
- Select Search or create posts, and then select a game from the list (this takes you to its official club).
- Select a recently played game from the populated list, or search for a game by name.
- Select Create post.
- Add tags and a description, and then adjust the details, such as the number of players needed. You can schedule a time to gather by adjusting Day and Party start time, or if you want to gather people into a party right away, select Now.
- When you’re done, select Post.
This is a great way to make new friends on Xbox to not only play with on Fallout 76 but, they may have other games to play with.
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