In Fallout 76, players can craft various items and structures for their CAMP, including flat screen TVs. While you cannot build a functioning TV from a plan in the game, you can craft and place a flat screen TV as a decorative item by following some of the tutorials provided.
Here is a tip for using flat screen TVs in your C.A.M.P.:
- Use the “reverse wall trick” to place your flat screen TV on a stand or other flat surface. This will allow you to position your TV more freely in your C.A.M.P. There are a number of YouTube videos that can show you how to do this trick.
When searching for Flat Screen TV plans in Fallout 76 you’ll want to consider these videos:
- Fallout 76 Camp Tutorial | Flatscreen TV Tutorial | Build // Guide – Video
- Fallout 76 Hacks – Fireplace Flatscreen TV – Video
- Fallout 76 Camp Tutorial – Flatscreen TV – Video
- Fallout 76 FlatScreen TV Camp Mod – Video

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