Category: Fallout 76

Where are the locations for Common Flora in Fallout 76 – Map

Mostly all of the common flora (common flowers) can be found pretty much anywhere in the wasteland. Here is a list of the common flora the map provides the locations; Toxic Soot flower Mutfruit Siltbean Starlight Creeper Carrot Flower Glowing Resin Fern Bloodleaf Firecap These common flora can create various […]

Where are the locations for Uncommon Flora in Fallout 76 – Map

The map above provides the locations of uncommon flora (uncommon flowers) that is found throughout the wasteland. Here is a list of all of the uncommon flowers; Starlight Creeper Firecap Snaptail Tarberry Gourd vine Blight Cranberry Pitcher Bleach Dogwood Razor Grain Swamp Pod Mostly all of the uncommon flowers can […]

Where to find the ingredients for a Nukashine in Fallout 76 – Map

So you’re looking to make some Nukashine and you need the ingredients to do so. Well look no further… the map above will point you in the location of the following: Corn Razorgrain Nukacola Quantum You know if you were to drink a Nukashine here are the random wake-up locations […]

Where are the Various Workbench Locations in Fallout 76 – Map

You’re out in the wasteland and you’re looking for a close workbench but, you don’t want to travel back to your CAMP. Well the map above will help you locate the workbenches throughout the wasteland. You’ll see the locations for the following workbenches: Cooking Workbench Chemistry Workbench Armor Workbench Weapons […]