Category: Fallout 76

Where to find/get a nuclear key card in Fallout 76

Are you looking to launch a nuke in Fallout 76 but you need a nuclear key card? The you’ll probably want to check out these videos below that will help you find locations to farm for nuclear key cards. How to farm unlimited nuclear keycards – Video Fastest Way To […]

Where to find/farm Asbestos in Fallout 76

Looking to farm locations and items for some asbestos in Fallout 76? These items below are what you’ll want to look for to scrap in order to get raw asbestos. Biometric scanner Catch the Commie board game Chalk Cigarette carton Coffee pot Extinguisher Luxobrew coffee pot Oven mitt Pack of […]

Where to find/farm Ballistic Fiber in Fallout 76

Are you searching for locations to farm / find ballistic fibers in Fallout 76? The list of items and locations below are great sources to check out to find Ballistic Fiber. Ballistic fiber scrap Military ammo bag Military grade duct tape Mysterious fur Torn mothman wing Here are some of […]

Where to find/farm Concrete in Fallout 76

Looking to improve your house or are you just looking for some extra concrete to have in your stash box? Well these items and locations below with help you farm concrete in Fallout 76. Bag of cement Blue garden gnome Broken garden gnome Concrete scrap Red garden gnome Here are […]

Fallout Nuka-Cola Caps set of 50 caps

(click item for details) The above item is the Fallout Nuka Cola Caps contains the same caps you know and love but provides players with a revised and updated sticker sheet to enhance gameplay for the Fallout Wasteland Warfare Miniatures Game. This is a set of 50 distressed Nuka-Cola bottle […]

Where to find/farm Adhesive in Fallout 76

So you’re looking for places in Fallout 76 that you can find or farm adhesive or items that contain adhesive. Here is a list of items that contain adhesive when you scrap them. Anglers Digested goo Duct tape Economy wonderglue Excess adhesive Floating flamer Floating freezer Floating gnasher Handmade glue […]

Where to find/farm Cloth in Fallout 76

If you’re looking for items or locations to farm cloth in Fallout 76 then consider these items and locations below. Some of my favorite items to collect for cloth are the burnt books apparently there are over 120 burnt books at the farthest house NE of Summersville. Bag of chlorine […]

Where to find/farm Acid in Fallout 76

Do you need to farm mass amounts of acid or are you just looking to grab some sow when you need it? Either way the items and locations mentioned below will help you on your acid journey. In addition to all the items shown you can find an acid resource […]