Category: Fallout 76

Where to Find/Farm Firecracker Berries in Fallout 76?

Firecracker berries can be found in the following locations in Fallout 76: Aaronholt Homestead Arktos Pharma Cranberry Glade Dyer Chemical Company Giant Teapot Helvetia Mac’s Farm Overgrown Sundew Grove Sparse Sundew Grove Sunrise Field Superior Sunset Farm Thomas Farm Veiled Sundew Grove The General’s Steakhouse The best place to farm […]

Where to Find/Farm Cranberries in Fallout 76?

Cranberries can be found in the following locations in Fallout 76: Aaronholt Homestead Cranberry Glade Creekside Sundew Grove Giant Teapot Helvetia Mac’s Farm Overgrown Sundew Grove Sparse Sundew Grove Sunrise Field Superior Sunset Farm Thomas Farm Veiled Sundew Grove The General’s Steakhouse The best place to harvest cranberries is Sunrise […]

Where to Find/Farm Honey Beast in Fallout 76?

Honey Beasts are creatures in Fallout 76 that are a mutated form of honey bees. They are found in the Forest, Savage Divide, Mire, and Toxic Valley. Honey Beasts are aggressive and will attack on sight. They are poisonous and can inflict a damage-over-time effect on their victims. Here are […]

Where to Find/Farm a Wendigo in Fallout 76?

Wendigos are a type of enemy in Fallout 76 that are known for their cannibalistic tendencies. They are large, humanoid creatures with long, sharp claws and teeth. Wendigos are very dangerous and should be avoided if possible. Here are some of the locations where you can find wendigos in Fallout […]

Where to Find/Farm Squirrels in Fallout 76?

FO76 squirrels

Squirrels can be found in a variety of locations in Fallout 76, but they are most commonly found in forests and wooded areas. Some of the best places to find squirrels include: The Whitespring Resort: Squirrels can be found around the Whitespring Resort, both in the forest and in the […]

Where to Find/Farm Foxes in Fallout 76?

So you’re looking for foxes…they can be found in the following locations in Fallout 76: Big Fred’s BBQ Shack Twin Lakes Three tents camp east of Lewisburg River north of Flatwoods South of Hornwright summer villa and east of Torrance House At the intersection of state routes 95 and 98, […]

Where to Find/Farm Rabbits in Fallout 76?

Rabbits can be found in a variety of locations in Fallout 76, but some of the most reliable places to find them include: The hill behind The Whitespring service entrance. Between Central Mountain lookout and Wendigo cave. The outdoor kitchen of Rollins labor camp. Grahm’s Meat Cook – Event Fasnacht […]

Complete List of Diseases in Fallout 76

Vault 94

Here is the list of diseases in Fallout 76: Blood Worms – Take 25% more damage. Bone Worms – Take 50% more limb damage. Dysentery – Periodic water loss. Fever Claw – -25% Damage with Melee Weapons. Hungry Guts – Increased hunger rate. Irritable Bowels – Periodic food loss. Lead […]

What is the Easiest/Fastest way to Rank Up in Fallout 76?

Here are some of the easiest ways to rank up in Fallout 76: Complete quests. Quests are a great way to earn XP, and they also help you progress through the story. Explore the world. As you explore the world, you’ll encounter enemies, locations, and events that will give you […]

What are the Best Settings for Playing Fallout 76 on Xbox?

The Best Xbox settings for Fallout 76 will vary depending on your individual preferences and the performance of your Xbox console. However, there are a few general tips that can help you improve your gameplay experience. First, it’s important to set your Xbox’s video settings to match your TV’s capabilities. […]