Category: Fallout 76

Where to Find Cryptids in Fallout 76?

Here are some places where you can find cryptids in Fallout 76: The Sunken Church: This unmarked location in The Mire positioned off of the road North of Haven Church and just South of Raleigh’s Clay Bunker. They are known to spawn inside the sunken building. Willard Corporate Housing: This […]

Where is the Blue Devil Location in Fallout 76?

The Blue Devil can be found in a few different locations and events in Fallout 76: Safe and Sound event: This event takes place at the Middle Mountain Pitstop, and the Blue Devil is the event boss. Assault-type random encounters: The Blue Devil can spawn in these encounters, typically fighting […]

Where are Mole Rats located in Fallout 76?

Mole rats are a common enemy in Fallout 76, and can be found in a variety of locations throughout Appalachia. Some of the more reliable spawn points for mole rats include: Widow’s Perch: This location always spawns two mole rat brood mothers, along with a few regular mole rats. West […]

List of Grahm’s Recently Added New Plans?

If you’re wondering what are some of Grahmns new plans? Then look no further… here is a list of Grahm’s new plans in Fallout 76: Domestic Kitchen Tables: There are three plans for this item. • Plan: Black Domestic Kitchen Tables • Plan: Brown Domestic Kitchen Tables • Plan: White […]

Where to Find/Farm Razorgrain Fallout 76?

Razorgrain is a common plant in Fallout 76 that can be found in a variety of locations. Some of the best places to find razorgrain include: Billings Homestead: This location in the Savage Divide is home to a large field of razorgrain that can be easily farmed. Sunday Brothers’ Cabin: […]

Where to get the Water Well in Fallout 76?

The water well is a workshop object in Fallout 76. It is a simple well that players can place in their C.A.M.P. to provide an infinite supply of dirty water. The water well is a workshop object that can be placed in your CAMP. It provides an infinite supply of […]

Where to find/farm Stingwings in Fallout 76?

Stingwings are small, flying creatures that can be found in a variety of locations in Fallout 76. They are most common in the Forest, Toxic Valley, and Savage Divide regions. Some of the best places to find stingwings include: Big B’s Rest Stop: This location in the Forest is home […]