Looking to improve your house or are you just looking for some extra concrete to have in your stash box? Well these items and locations below with help you farm concrete in Fallout 76.
- Bag of cement
- Blue garden gnome
- Broken garden gnome
- Concrete scrap
- Red garden gnome
Here are a few locations to check for when it comes to searching for concrete:
- Abandoned Bog Town
- Monorail Elevator
- Harpers Ferry
- Clancy Manor
- Site Charlie
- The General’s Steakhouse
- Monongah Power Substation MZ-03
- Hornwright Testing Site #02
- Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06
- Kanawha County Cemetery
- Huntersville
- Abandoned Bog Town
If you know of any other locations that are a great resource for farming concrete then feel free to leave a comment.
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