If you’re trying to complete some challenges to earn Atoms in Fallout 76 then you’re probably wondering where the treasure map locations are for the Mire. Well after do a few Google searches I’ve found a site that has the following Mire Map locations:
- The Mire Treasure Map #1 – East of Hopewell Cave, near a cabin.
- The Mire Treasure Map #2 – NW of Camp Venture, end of the railroad near the tunnel.
- The Mire Treasure Map #3 – Just SW of Southern Belle Motel, one of the mounds on the ground.
- The Mire Treasure Map #4 – Under the bridge by the Crevasse Dam.
- The Mire Treasure Map #5 – It is just right of Excelsior Model Home.
I’ve been told that you can visit the treasure map location multiple times if you have more than one Mire Treasure Map.

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