The above image provides a great route to take to find and farm the Holiday Scorched in Fallout 76. When taking the route it’s best to start at the top and work your way down to Camden Park.
The yellow stars on the map indicate the highly popular areas where you’ll sometimes find 3-5+ Holiday Scorched. Here is our other post mentioning some of the Holiday Scorched locations on the map above.
If there are any other locations that you would like to share hit us up on Twitter or feel free to leave a comment below!
Here are a few videos to help with Spooky Scorched locations:
- Collision Course Event for EASY Spooky Scorched Location – Video
- Best Spooky Scorched Route 2023 – Video
- Fallout 76 Spooky Scorched All Rewards – Video
- Top 9 Spooky Scorched Locations – Video
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